We would like to remind all users holding HMR ERC-20 tokens on #AladdinExchange to withdraw their tokens before 11:00 AM (GMT+4)
18 Aug 2023, 07:33
We would like to remind all users holding HMR ERC-20 tokens on #AladdinExchange to withdraw their tokens before 11:00 AM (GMT+4) on August 20, 2023.
After this date, HMR (ERC-20) withdrawal services will no longer be available on Aladdin Exchange.
#HMR #ERC20 #Homeros
Same news in other sources
118 Aug 2023, 07:46
We would like to remind all users holding HMR ERC-20 tokens on #AladdinExchange to withdraw their tokens before 11:00 AM (GMT+4) on August 20, 2023.
After this date, HMR (ERC-20) withdrawal services will no longer be available on Aladdin Exchange.
#HMR #ERC20 #Homeros
We would like to remind all users holding HMR ERC-20 tokens on #AladdinExchange to withdraw their tokens before 11:00 AM (GMT+4)
We would like to remind all users holding HMR ERC-20 tokens on #AladdinExchange to withdraw their tokens before 11:00 AM (GMT+4) on August 20, 2023.
After this date, HMR (ERC-20) withdrawal services will no longer be available on Aladdin Exchange.
#HMR #ERC20 #Homeros